Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have my child tested for Covid-19?

Yes. Pediatrics at Home uses only the most reliable send-out PCR testing for the highest accuracy. This test will be billed through insurance directly from the lab. The Covid-19 test can be done as a screen when required for camp, school or other activities. This test can be done alone or in combination with testing for other causes of fever, cough or other symptoms. The Covid-19 test is usually back within 36 hours except on weekends. Saturday tests come back Monday and Sunday tests come back Tuesday.

Is there a record of my child’s visit?

Yes. We use a secure, HIPAA complaint, electronic medical record to document your child’s home visit. If you have selected yes on the intake form, a copy of this visit will be forwarded to your child’s primary doctor. Selecting yes is recommended so that your primary doctor will have accurate information regarding your child’s recent illnesses and treatments that did not take place in their office.

Is there a record of my Virtual Visit?

Yes. After the call the details will be transcribed and added to your child’s electronic medical record. Virtual Visit notes may or may not be sent to your primary doctor. You can always request that we do so.​ This is because these visits will often involve health and medicine discussions rather than changes in medical care. In the event there is a significant new diagnosis or any new prescriptions, a copy of the visit note will always be sent to your primary doctor.

Can I get prescriptions from a Virtual Visit?

The answer is complex, but most Virtual Visits will not culminate with a prescription. There are some exceptions such as uncomplicated “pink eye” and simple rashes. Illnesses such as ear infections, presumed strep throat and pneumonia should only be treated after an in person evaluation. ** During the Covid 19 pandemic of 2020 we will treat more illnesses virtually than in ordinary situations.

Why are there so many forms when I schedule an appointment?

Yep, we hate filling out forms as much as you do. Several of those pesky forms are required by law (HIPAA). The request for information about your child's medical history is to make sure we can provide the safest and most appropriate medical care. That includes the child's medication history which can be obtained electronically with your permission.  Finally, we want your primary doctor to stay "in the loop" when it comes to the medical care your child has received. So we recommend that a copy of your visit with Pediatrics at Home is sent to them with each visit - and that requires your written consent.

What happens to the information collected at the time of scheduling?

This information is collected by HIPAA compliant software. The information will be transferred to your child’s medical records with Pediatrics at Home. This information is important to make sure your child is receiving the safest and most comprehensive care.

Am I required to make an account when I book a visit?

No. Creating an account will be offered when you schedule an appointment for your child. Making an account is recommended as you will have much less data to type in when you schedule another visit. However making an account is definitely not required.

Can I get refills on chronic medication through Pediatrics at Home?

Not usually. Chronic or long-term medications should be managed by the doctor who made the initial prescription. This is so that important ongoing management of chronic illness is done in a way that benefits your child most.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Credit card, debit card, HSA/FSA card. “Square” is used to collect payments. Cash is not accepted at this time. Square accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover online. We also accept Apple Pay, and G pay in person.

Does Pediatrics at Home see out of town visitors?

Yes. Choose "Out of Town Visitor" on the scheduler. If you are staying in one of the zip codes Dr. Sinai serves, she will be able to see your child at your current location. Pediatrics at Home is currently serving 28207, 28210 (east of Park Rd), 28211, 28226, 28270

Will I get a receipt that I can submit to insurance for reimbursement?

Yes. Just let us know and we will provide a "superbill" that you can submit to insurance. Insurances vary tremendously, so there is no way to predict whether or how much of this visit will be covered by your insurance or will be credited towards your deductible.

Does Pediatrics at Home provide immunizations?

There is no question that the CDC / AAP schedule for recommended vaccines is safe and ideal for almost all children. Vaccines protect your children from devastating diseases. Pediatrics at Home does not currently provide preventive care such as well child visits, therefore we do not provide immunizations. Dr. Sinai is happy to answer questions you may have about vaccines.